School Organization Chart
The School Organizational Chart is headed by the Headmaster herself, Pn. Hjh Rohani bt Harun with the collaboration of the president of Parents-Teachers Association. The management is supported by the three Senior Assistants.
The Roles of Teachers
Job Specification:
1. Responsible in increasing the quality of curriculum and co-curriculum and ensure its execution is in parallel with the basis of the Ministry of Education.
2. Responsible in teaching matters, administration and school’s finance.
3. Generate two ways communication with the community and outside agencies.
4. Teaching for several hours.
Job Obligation:
1. Curriculum Management
1.1 Invigilate and control the school’s policies and objectives in parallel with the ministry’s policies.
1.2 Deciding:
1.2.1 The targets and plans for the increasing of the quality of Teaching and Learning process.
1.2.2 Teaching and Learning Process is based on the course pro-forma and the teaching planner is following the time slots given.
1.2.3 The quality and quantity of the students’ work and also checking students’ books.
1.2.4 Policies pertaining to assessment and examination must be done based on data and analysis.
1.2.5 The base of teachers’ teaching duty for the preparation of the time table.
1.2.6 The effectiveness of the use of the library.
1.2.7 Co-curricular activities’ policies.
1.3 Supervise the teaching and learning process
1.4 Checking the teachers’ teaching plan book, students’ academic report, class attendance, students’ co curricular activities books and the other books from time to time.
1.5 Ensure that every subject coordinators perform their strategies and education programmes effectively.
2. Students Development
2.1 Ensure the execution of the students’ development programmes like the self management skill, study skill and motivation.
2.2 Deciding the policies pertaining to the execution of the school’s mission.
3. Management and Development
3.1 Student
3.1.1 Ensuring:
· The students’ new intake and interchange registration
· SPBT is carried out with fair and justice
· Public examination policy is executed based on the rules.
· Health programmes are carried out with perfection
· The counselling service is well functioned.
3.1.2 Checking the students’ attendance book.
3.1.3 Deciding the receiving of the scholarship and the other forms of help to the students is carried out fairly based on the procedures that are being fixed.
3.1.4 Sign the confession letter and the school leaving certificate.
3.1.5 Responsible on the disciplinary actions towards the students
3.1.6 Taking precautionary measures for the safety of the students while they are in the school.
3.2 Personal Management
3.2.1 Deciding:
· The registrations, appointment, approval of the post, accommodation to the retirement post, and the types of teachers’ and staffs breaks are executed.
· The suited and job field and carry out the supervision throughout the year.
3.2.2 Finance:
· Deciding the approximation for annual expenditure
· Ensure the availability of the school’s account statement which is not being audited and the supporting documents and also planning the lagging actions.
3.2.3 Controlling:
· The school’s properties and stocks
· The expenditure needed by every unit or division
· Checking the buying per capita, the teachers and staffs income and account record
· Financial report and the sources of the SUWA and government finance
3.3 Physical Facilities
3.3.1 Ensuring:
· The condition of the buildings, field and school environment is in good condition
· The facilities are perfect and sufficient
· Furniture is in good condition
· Increasing the quality of the decoration
· Taking steps for making sure the safety of the school properties
4. Self and Organisation Development
4.1 Planning and supervise the staffs development activities such as internal courses, self-aware courses and teachers’ self realisation courses.
4.2 Encouraging:
· Mind expanding, sharing of information, knowledge culture and giving the opportunities to the teachers for developing their self potential.
· Teachers’ participation in community’s activities
4.3 Controlling “learning experiences” based on observations, data and supervision by using the information that they has gained for development of the students’ ‘learning experiences”
5. Self Development
5.1 Increasing the application of the reading and knowledge culture
5.2 Carry out researches for teachers’ success
5.3 Self participation with the community
5.4 Contributing in the specialists of the education field for those who needed.
5.5 Be the advisor for the PTA and Majlis Permuafakatan Sekolah.
5.6 Attending courses, seminars and etc.
5.7 Actively participate in activities that are related with teaching profession.
Job Specifications:
- Doing the job of the principal when he is not in the school.
- Teaching for several hours based on the orders of the principal.
- Responsible for the principal in curricular matters, administration, community relationship and safety.
- Helping the principal to supervise and assess the teaching and learning sessions.
- Helping the principal in the aspect of planning and managing the school..
Job Specifications:
- Carry out the duties of the principal when the principal or the the senior assistant of administration.
- Teaching for several hours according to the order form the principal.
- Responsible to the principal in safety matters, textbooks, scholarship, publishing and printing, school festive, cooperation, canteen and the supervising of the hostel.
- Helping the principal in supervising and assessing those activities.
- Helping the principal in the aspect of planning and managing the school.
Job Specifications:
- Performing the duties of a principal when principal is not around
- Teaching for several hours based on the orders from the principal
- Responsible to the principal in all activities which are the society, clubs, games and sports and also uniform bodies.
Job Specifications:
- Responsible as the principal when he is not around in this field only
- Teaching for not less than 18 periods per week
- Helping the principal to supervise and assess anything that is related with his job field
- Helping the principal in all aspects of planning and management of education and fields that are related to his job field
- Organizing the increasing the level of academic and attitude achievement
- Helping the principal with the coordination of the outside people such as the visit of the Board of Visitors from the education ministry and training teachers
Job Specifications:
1. Preparing the teaching and learning plan so that it can achieve the standard that is fixed by the principal or District Education Officer other than teaching the subjects that he or she mastered at.
2. Leading or helping in curricular and co-curricular tasks pertaining to the subjects concerned.
3. Carry out the special tasks in guiding the students and helping in the increasing professionalism among the teachers.
4. Carry out special tasks that are given by the District Education Officer, the State Education Director, and Division Director and under the blessing of the Ministry Of Education Malaysia.
Job Specifications:
1. Preparing the annual programmes and activities pertaining to the counseling service.
2. Deciding the needs for the counseling service at school through need researches, questionnaires, and interviews with the students, parents, administrator, school’s officers and ex-students.
3. Planning, controlling and supervising, and updating the inventory record.
4. Collecting, supervising, and distributing the information pertaining to counselling service to the students via mass media.
5. Organizing the activities for the counselling services by groups and showing them the exact way to enhance the students’ achievement until it reaches the maximum level.
6. Planning, performing and supervising the individual counselling session professionally and with ethics.
7. Planning, performing and supervising the activities for study skill for every student.
8. Planning, performing, supervising and assessing the activities and programmes for elective subjects.
9. Planning, supervising and showing the students their opportunities to further their studies to the local and international universities.
10. Planning, supervising and performing the programmes and conferencing activities for the parents, teachers, staffs, government agencies, and also NGO which involve in the process of educating the students.
11. Planning, supervising, performing and assessing the programmes and activities for consultation services and any references relating to the counselling career and anti-drugs service.
12. Making assessment for the activities, modules, models, instruments, techniques and etc holistically to increase the quality of the counseling service.
13. Be the secretariat to the coordinators committee of the counseling service.
1. The catalyser in every internal training programmes to increase the understanding and professionalism of the counselling service.
2. Giving counselling service to the students, teachers, officers or anyone who needs it.
3. The mediator for the communication between the school and any external agencies concerned.
4. The school’s organizing committee.
5. The coordinator for the mentor-mentee programme.
6. The coordinator in students’ development such as colloquium, motivation, self-success camps, citizenship courses and etc.
7. The ex-officio committee in the school’s curricular committee.
Job Specifications:
1. Presiding the coordinator’s meeting.
2. Be the curricular council member.
3. Coordinating the annual teaching planner.
4. Updating the stock book from time to time.
5. Coordinating the questions for the internal examination.
6. Collecting the examination marks data, analysis and records.
7. Checking students’ exercise books.
8. Supervise the approximation for the annual expenditure for every subject.
9. Suggesting the buying of the things needed by the coordinators.
10. The advisor for academic society.
11. Supervise the teaching of the teachers.
12. Checking and approving the course pro-forma for each subject.
13. Managing the teaching aid with the help of resources teacher.
14. Suggesting the reference books and library books.
15. Updating the meeting minutes and distribute five copies to the principal.
16. Coordinating the monthly tests.
17. Discussing and giving opinions and views to increase the professional level of teachers.
18. Arranging internal courses for teachers.
1. Helping, deciding and distributing the tasks for the subject teachers under his or her control.
2. Helping and coordinating the examination matters, courses and practices for teachers.
3. Helping and supervising the collecting data and information and also statistics that are related to their field.
4. Helping and planning the school’s planner.
5. Supervise the teachers’ works under his or her control.
6. Preparing the budget for every single subject and controlling the budget.
7. Helping in the preparation of the financial account for annual audit.
8. Taking care and checking the stock and inventory regularly including the appliances, or anything that is related to his or her field.
9. Training the students in carrying out the management of the classrooms and at the same time, keeping the classrooms decorative.
Other Tasks
1. Keeping in contact with the Teachers Activity Centre, District Education Office, State Education Library and State Education Department regarding any mission or help that can be found to help the teachers and school.
2. Communicating with the teachers, coordinators or senior assistants from other schools to share the education information and sources to strengthen the ability and knowledge.
3. Complementing the meeting room with the data and information for every subject.
4. Helping, planning and supervise the clean and tidy programmes for the school.
5. Helping in examination matters, co curricular activities, preparing the time table and library management.
Job Specifications:
1. Taking care of the students
2. Responsible for students’ attendance
3. Make sure of the cleanliness of the classroom
4. Taking care of the students’ welfare
Job Specifications:
1. Teaching the students
2. Ensuring that all the students are given enough education
3. Balancing the students with additional education for the future
2.3 Staff Development Programme
Every year, the school will conduct a few Staff Development Programmes in order to ensure that the teachers and staff can blend in together as a team. This is because the school has its own vision and mission to be achieved. Without this staff development programme, it might be hard to see the teachers having a good time together, motivating them to teach the students especially the examination classes, as well as thinking of new ways and approach to cater the needs of students in getting a proper education.
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